Wednesday, March 19, 2025

32 Third Graders and One Class Bunny

You all know I was a teacher right? 2 LONG years in K/1 and then I retired to become a full-time-mom.

Pay's about the same. Amount of respect, same.

I miss it, I really do.

Teaching was my thing, if even for a short time.

My kids are school-aged and I have the utmost respect and admiration of all their teachers.

Teachers everywhere!

I was thrilled when Philip Done, and award-winning teacher and author of 32 Third Graders and One Class Bunny wanted to send me his book for review.

Mr. Done has taught for 20 years and has collated life lessons in easy-to-read chapters chronicling a full school year.

Reading the book, I ran the gamut of emotions. Here are some of my highlights, when you read the book, you will surely agree!

I laughed at: Phuc, the laminating machine incident, Lambert's dad, sharing TMI(mommy's off the pill...i'm getting a baby brother), "we're makin' love," Killer the snake

I cried: when I read Teacher Moments, for Ronny's Mom, for Tomoya, Why I Teach chapter.

I smiled: Andrew's hair in the class photo, the supermarket, the Teacher Speeches, Peacock (chicken with the Christmas tree), when Tomoya was proud

I nodded yes: class budget, Believe Them & Parents Letters chapters, Peter Pan reference, the 'peepee(pp)' list

Mr. Done's humorous, and often touching account of the 3rd grade classroom could convince anyone to join the profession. His passion for teaching and for his students is made clear throughout the book.

This is a fantastic read for anyone. My Boy has a male teacher this year, I think he would really enjoy this as I pass it his direction.

Looking for the perfect Christmas gift for your child's teacher? Buy him or her 32 Third Graders and One Class Bunny!

23 supporters in group:

  1. kel said...

    I'm not a teacher.. but I can sympathize. I may pick this up for Roslyn's teacher. She loves books.. like me!

  2. jill jill bo bill said...

    YEA!!! I was needing some ideas! Thanks! Sounds like a GREAT book!

  3. Cathie said...

    I often wonder what the teachers think of my kids. I might have to pick this up! Thanks!

  4. Noob Mommy said...

    I was also a former teacher, and this sounds like a fun read. It's amazing all the funny things that happen in the classroom :) So many memories.

  5. beth said...

    I have such admiration for teachers. Good book review!

  6. Elaine at Matters of the Heart) said...

    Sounds good and I agree, great gift idea. Thanks for sharing.

  7. Anonymous said...

    I needed an idea for one of Bug's teachers...he's been teaching for 40 years and he's the only one that was able to help her "get" math. I'll bet he'd love this!

  8. Shannon said...

    That's a great idea!

    Did you catch the Hallmark Hall of Fame movie this past Sunday, "Front of the Class"? It was about a guy who has Tourette's Syndrome and he wants to be a teacher... it was pretty good!

  9. Tony@ That One Paticular Harbor said...

    Thanks Jen, Looks like a great book. Good stocking stuffer for my wife. Hope you are well.

  10. ParentingPink said...

    This book sounds wonderful. I was an adolescent therapist before I "retired" to full time mom five years ago. I miss the abuse too :-) LOL

  11. Jenni said...

    Sounds like a book I need to pick up!

  12. Paul Eilers said...

    You even look like a teacher.

    Once your children get a little older, are you going to go back to the classroom?

  13. Eyeglasses & Endzones said...

    Ohh..I have been looking for a good neighbor gift and 2 of them are teachers...I knew I loved Blogs for a reason. Thanks so much for sharing!

  14. Unknown said...

    Sounds like a really great book and gift for teachers. You would know, right? : )

  15. Liz said...

    Ok, I must go get this! (I'm a teacher, ya know?)

  16. TUTU Monkey said...

    oooo sounds like a good one.....thanks for recomending I have lots of teacher friends that might enjoy from me....:)

  17. Amy W said...

    That sounds great. Unfortunately I already bought the 5-pack of Starbucks gift cards at CostCo for my kids' teachers.... BUT does the book give any insight into the 3rd grade mind?? My oldest is a 3rd-grader who is throwing me for a loop! First he's this great new little grown-up wonder and then he's acting like a three year old. I need a fresh perspective on what he is actually dealing with at school and friends.

    Loved the review and look forward to spending some time at the "second home"--- trust me, it's the only one that you'll ever own that turns a profit! ;) You'll still get all the work, it sounds like, though.

  18. Mrs. Schmitty said...

    I'm reading this book too. It's adorable.

    P.S. I love your header, I miss so many new ones reading in my Google Reader.

  19. The Happy Mom said...

    That looks like a funny book! I was a former teacher too, kindergarten was my favorite grade to teach-those kids would crack me up everyday! :)

  20. Mommy In Pink said...

    Sounds like a really great book! And you are still a teacher, just to your kiddos, which is the greatest teacher there is!

  21. katana750 said...

    I used to be a teacher also. Now I am a chicken farmer. I think I should have thought out my career plan a little better. Sounds like a great book. Hopefully i can get time to give it a try soon.

  22. Mel said...

    I'm a 3rd grade teacher and just bougth this book. I just started it this morning and am really enjoying it. I have always thought about writing a book like this, maybe I'll start keeping some of my anecdotes. Thanks for sharing.

  23. flickrlovr said...

    Sounds like a wonderful book! I'll have to check it out!

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