Friday, March 14, 2025

Too Much of an Annoying Thing

I don't know why I dislike football so much. But I do.

I think it's an inane sport of big bullies trying to beat the crap out of eachother.

It's on my short list of stupid sports, right next to boxing and Rugby.

These poor souls end up with concussion after concussion and with bum knees at the ripe old age of 33.

I don't get the whole "buy the Ticket on satellite to watch EVERY game" either. Pick one team and root. That's fine, but all of them, all day long. I can think of 302 things I'd rather do all day.

Then there's Monday Night Football....and Thursday football.

Football on Thanksgiving, college football, New Year's Day football.....AHHHHHHHHHH!

Yesterday we were listening to the game on the radio on the way to my BIL's house. There were a few things I actually laughed at. I have no idea what they mean, but I knew I was going to toss them in a blog post.

*...Michael Bush stiffarm...."

*.....skinny post......*

*.....if it was only 7 inches shorter.......*

Whatever. I just know that I am praying that my son doesn't ever want to play football. I can handle dance mom, karate mom, baseball mom, and maybe even soccer mom....but football mom I am not.

The best things about Sundays are The Amazing Race, Desperate Housewives, and Brothers & Sisters.

Is it February yet?

42 supporters in group:

  1. Amy said...

    Amen! I agree :D

  2. He & Me + 3 said...

    We have that Extra Cost (110.00)football package too. Every Saturday...the clicker is in overload mode, & the main TV is stuck on Football. I agree...pick a team.

  3. Shannon said...


    Luckily the hubs is not a big football fan...

    And I agree with your list of the best things about Sunday! YEAH!

  4. Jenni said...

    Football I don't mind so much. We only ever watch the Patriots games so I guess I don't get it on overload!

    Nascar, however, makes me want to gauge out my eyes. Ugh.

    And they call the person who qualified first for the race...

    "the pole sitter"

    And that makes me laugh every time.

  5. Jay @halftime lessons said...

    I am hoping the same...that my son has no interest...if he does, I am gonna have to hire someone to talk to him about it...


  6. Shannon said...

    Oh, and I like the new look of your blog :)

  7. Brittany said...

    SO, is it weird that I already have my boys throwing footballs through a tire in our backyard?

  8. Khadra said...

    I agree about the kids and football. I So hope my boys want to play violin or dance instead!!

  9. JESSICA said...

    Oh my...I could not agree more! When I was pregnant with the boys I was in the hospital from October through January. We didn't have cable at home, but did in the hospital. I can't tell you how many football games my hubby watched. It was a battle for the remote (even though it was attached to MY bed). While I was in early labor he handed me the remote and told me to "watch whatever I want"...hello at that point I couldn't have cared less about the of course it turned to football!
    I have to give him credit, he is doing much better this year.

  10. April said...

    haha. i'm a total football widow. when we were dating, hubs only real request was that we do not marry during football season.

    which was a no-brainer for me, bc there was no way i wanted to be hunting him down at the bar and dragging him away from a game in the middle of our wedding.

  11. Mrs. Heck said...

    LOL, i'm at the total opposite spectrum...I am obessed with football. I go through the withdrawl during the spring/summer and get SOOOO excited when I hear talk about preseason! :) Poor hubby thinks I'm nuts, but I have to blame it on my father...he wanted a first born son and he got a daughter that loves shopping, makeup, eating, drinking beer and football. &hearts:

    I do agree that you should pick a team though...but sometimes, especially when it comes to playoffs, you want to see how the "competition is doing" before your team plays them. I've got my Arkansas Razorbacks for college and I've got my Jacksonville Jaguars for the NFL. :) 3 year old daughter already knows how to throw a spiral throw and my 2 year old knows how to tackle. LMAO! I'm a mess, I know. ;)

  12. Elaine at Matters of the Heart) said...

    Well said...

  13. Jen said...

    Just hearing the "Are You Ready For Some Football?" song makes me want to bang my head against the wall and hide in a dark room for hours. Football season is the WORST!!

  14. Angela DeRossett said...

    My mother is always trying to 'talk football' with me. And football fans don't understand I DON'T doesn't translate or something.

    Good post!

  15. Over Coffee said...

    I hope your SIL doesn't read this blog entry. ;-)

  16. queen foodie said...

    A rare visit from Jen's brother:
    Whoa! Whoa! Whoa! O_O
    I seriously think you were adopted !! ;) Even mom enjoys football, slick! C'mon! Betsey says GO STEELERS! I say GO RAVENS!
    This topic is AN OUTRAGE! HA!


  17. queen foodie said...

    Now for my (Betsey) turn. Oh my goodness...don't even know what to say. We are proud yearly subscribers to "the ticket". Our house lives for the end of August. We even get excited for the draft in April. Now the sport I don't get is baseball. To me, that is the most boring sport in the world along with Nascar... holy moly sleepers.

    The beauty of this though is that we're all entitled to our opinions, even though we think you're totally off base...ha ha... just kidding.

  18. Cathie said...

    I enjoy watching a good football game. What better excuse to sit in lounge pants and a shirt and relax on a Sunday with your hubby?

  19. Pam said...

    i'm glad hubby doesn't have stupid channcel like that, BUT he does watch football every sunday if he's off...especially if the miami dolphins are on. i like football well enough, but i don't keep up with the chargers as well.

    my husband and stepson are total sports nuts. husband grew up playing baseball & football. he was being looked @ by colleges, but got hurt. isn't that they way it goes? lol now stepson been playing since 5 yrs old..he'll be 14 in dec. his whole dream is to go to college on a sport scholar ship, but i think w the way his grades are going right now and he stays on that track, it'll be a no-go. the principle from the new hs that's being built told him and two of his friends that it will only have scholar athletes. yikes! LOL

    as boring as baseball can be, i love watching it, and basketball, too. now there's an exciting game!

  20. Anonymous said...

    I am so glad my husband is NOT a sports fan. We do root for our home college team tho.

  21. Cheryl Lage said...

    We're so not a football family ; you can come hang out any time. :)
    Thank goodness for Mad Men and Entourage, too! ;)

  22. derfina said...

    HA! I love it! "if it was only 7 inches shorter".

  23. Darcie said...

    We root for the Steelers, and my husband watches professional (not college) football, but we're not football nuts. I actually like football, I wouldn't mind being a football mom!

  24. Rachel said...

    LOL -- that's why I am soooo glad that Hubby's football team sucks this year -- it keeps him from wanting to watch them!

  25. Anonymous said...

    I wouldn't mind going to a live football game so I could people watch.

    That's about all the appeal that football holds for me!

    I'd rather go to a rock concert!


  26. Anonymous said...

    Hubby played high school football. We love it. Hockey too. I cannot wait to find out if my son will play! Go Steelers!

  27. Tara R. said...

    I am one of those women who actually like football. I also competed in martial arts for years... love kicking someone in the head. ;)

  28. Ali said...

    I used to love football until I discovered NASCAR. Now the only football I watch is the Super Bowl and that's mainly for the commercials and an excuse to have a party!

  29. Jo-Jo said...

    OH MY GOD! I LOVE FOOTBALL! I do however only watch to teams I like, to my hubby's disappointment.

  30. Anonymous said...

    I so agree and prayed the same prayer! Tucker hates football and now "tries" to play basketball which is not too bad! Melissa

  31. Anonymous said...

    like baseball, football just makes me nervous. when the hub's team loses he gets cranky. i find myself rooting out of nerves. LOL!

  32. Krystyn @ Really, Are You Serious? said...

    I am totally with you! I am not a football fan, either. I just don't get it.

    In the words of my two year old "fall down...fall down again!" What's the point?

  33. The Mom Jen said...

    LOL, love reading all of these, especially from my bro and SIL! ;) LOL!

    Hubby's team bites hard and he's still so loyal, poor soul (Raiders).

  34. The Golf Widow said...

    Thankful for only daughters!
    I totally agree,too! I don't want to watch football either, but mostly I can't understand why just any team/league will do. At that point it just becomes background noise(and a reason to throw a party).

    I love College basketball...specifically DUKE. That is the only team I watch.Not the entire ACC.

  35. Insane Mama said...

    I only watch football when we are at a bar and I am drinking, then you don't really HAVE to watch it.

  36. Lisa said...

    I'm in the minority - I LOVE football! Can't get enough of it!!! And our girls? They already love it too!!! Sorry Jen ;)

  37. Mommy In Pink said...

    I agree with you here...but another dumb sport to add to the list that is incredibly dangerous is motocross. My brother is a freestyle rider and got in a terrible accident a few years back while attempting a jump. It was horrific and I would never wish that upon anyone. My own mother still feels guilty for letting him get into that sport so young.

  38. Tabbatha said...

    I agree, I record amazing race and cold case because I am busy with mom and grandmom duties and like to watch these shows to relax before bed.
    Well let me just say football games run overtime and into my recording time. Instead of recording Amazing race at the regular scheduled time Im recording the last 15-30 min of 60 minutes and that runs into Cold Case's scheduled time so I have yet to see a full episode of that.
    Need I say more?

  39. A Crafty Mom said...

    I'm a minority football lover, too! I love it and I used to even play competitive touch football in a women's league. But I still love Desperate Housewives and Brothers and Sisters too, so I guess that makes me *normal*, right? ;-)

  40. Ann Harrison said...

    The only thing I truly enjoy about football is that it gives me an excuse to eat a giant plate of nachos and eat a bag of potato chips! And heck, I can't forget the French Onion dip. Which in turn makes me thirsty so I'd better have a beer.
    (When's the next game? ;-> )
    Really though, I could completely do without Football.

  41. Tena said...

    I don't mind watching football, in small amounts. My Dh has always watched it, so I knew what I was getting into when I married him, but now he watched college football! Dude, over kill!!!

  42. Yellow Beads said...

    I'm the opposite, I (heart) football...especially college football on Saturdays!

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