Friday, March 14, 2025

Suffering From PVSD


Definition: A [not real] disorder caused by the ending of a vacation. Can occur from 2 days before and a week after the end of a vacation.

Symptoms include: pouting, whining, crying, and comments such as "can we just move here!" and "I'm going to be so bored when we get home."

Treatment includes: earplugs for whining, crying, and comments. Shades to block out pouting. Often just mentioning that we'll take another trip sometime in the future helps.

*And, this is just all from ME!*

I miss Tahoe. I miss K saying "Tahoe?" to everything we saw and especially loudly when we'd drive past the lake!

Highlights include:
*Seeing Miss Bloom & her family and Ranch Girl and M...only 2 short months until we get to hang again. Mol, I'll bring your scarf

*Watching my sleep-through-10-alarms-Hubby wake at 6am eagerly each morning to mountain bike. It was like Christmas morning for him. It's awesome that Miss Bloom's Hub and my Hubby have a cool activity in common too!

*Watching 7 children get along so well together

*Fishing at Echo Lake, we had a few bites but the big one got away

*Having both my parents and Hubby's join us

*Twice daily visits to the heated pool and often until 9pm!

*Competitive Mini-Golf and Toddler-Size clubs

*K's super sleep habits and her just being such a trooper!

*Casino-time...even without good luck

*Amazing weather in the Sierras

..and some parting shots...

36 supporters in group:

  1. Deb said...

    Awesome pics! Your trip looked amazing.

  2. Texasholly said...

    What a cool vacation. No wonder you are suffering...haha.

    Love the slide show. Those shots of the diving and jumping into the pool are the coolest ever!

  3. Jenny said...

    Yes...PVSD. I know it well. And the girls always bounce back to reality so quickly, while I mope around for a week when we get home! Maybe it's because my reality includes laundry, cooking, cleaning...the activities that were NOT part of vacation!
    Welcome home! I missed your "live" posts! (I don't know...the scheduled posts felt...scheduled. BUT THEY WERE GOOD! Maybe it was because I knew you didn't just do them???) :)
    Gorgeous photos! You should have a giveaway of the camera you use...and you should give it to me!

  4. Ranch Girl said...

    Oh my goodness, what great pics! It was so nice to be able to come hang out with all of you - thanks so much!

  5. Anonymous said...

    PVSD clearly exists, LOL. I know I've certainly experienced it.

    It looks like a fabulous trip! Your pictures are wonderful.

  6. Tenakim said...

    How beautiful- most of those look like postcards! I'm glad you had a great time, but also good to see you back in the blogisphere- ahhh- all is right with the world again!

  7. Tena said...

    I loved all the pictures! You got some great in action shots at the pool, very cool, and I think the sunsets on the lake will be what I think of when my day gets hectic, so peaceful, unlike things here and the boys have been up less than an hour... oh boy! Welcome home!

  8. Anonymous said...

    This makes me excited for my vacation in two weeks to British Columbia for some hot springs action. WHOOP! Yours looked like a blast!

  9. Bob and Jenn Peacock said...

    Those are great pictures! It looks like you had a great time!

  10. Rochelle said...

    WOW! Great pictures! Love the one of the whole family with grandparents and the one with Grandma on the swing. What a great trip. Sure wish I was your friend!

  11. Brittany said...

    Wow, I actually felt bad for you until I got to the slideshow...and sympathy vanished:)

  12. Amy said...

    Great pictures, looks like you all had a great time.

  13. Tami said...

    Welcome home....looks like you had fun :)

  14. Anonymous said...

    I think I have PVSD just from reading your post. Can I go with you next time?

  15. Insane Mama said...

    At least your kids enjoy vacation! Love the photos

  16. Clare said...

    Jen, I am glad you are back! I looks like you had an amazing time:) The photos are excellent. I love the one s in the pool with them falling into the water. And K sleeping in the car, they are always so cute when they sleep in the car...

    Hope you recover quickly;) XO, clare

  17. John Deere Mom said...

    I'm so glad you're back! Even though you had posts ready for me to read everyday (and I did!) it wasn't the same because I knew you weren't really there. So, even though you are back to reality..some of us never left. So I am glad you're back.
    Oh, and it was Meredith Brooks, not Alanis singing the mantra for all women. Well, this woman at least. :)

  18. Kristen Andrews said...

    your trip looks so fun! What great pictures. I think the worse part about coming home is all the laundry! Hope you had a great time. You missed all your blog friends didn't you!

  19. Mama Les said...

    fun slide show! we just got home from vaca too, and I have a TON of laundry to do as well. UGhhhhhhh I know the feeling!

  20. Mrs4444 said...

    The beautiful thing about these shots is that the happiest ones could have been taken at Anytown, USA (or the world, for that matter). This makes me look forward to our family camping trip (off to check the calendar...)

  21. Rebecca said...

    Fabulous photos Jen, I love the photos of the kids, Mizz K is looking adorably beautiful as usual, and DQ is beautiful too!
    I also love the ones of your 2 guys in the pool, looks like they were having fun!
    You are looking like a hot mumma too!!

    Beautiful family there lady! :)

    I shot of the mountains and that panoramic sunset one is gorgeous!!

  22. A Crafty Mom said...

    Great pictures Jen!!! Wow - cool pictures, it is so amazing there . . . no wonder you miss it. I loved the slideshow so many great pics!!!

  23. Cheryl Lage said...

    Welcome Home! (and a little wine works wonders in self-medicating the PVSD, as well as NAVD -- Need A Vacation Desperately)

    Love all the pictures...especially the one of you and hubby, and the father son synchronized diving team.

    Wishing you a brief case of PVSD!

  24. Anonymous said...

    Jen I didn't know you were in Tahoe! We were there together. :) We could have hooked up girly! Ya gotta let me know these things. lol ;)

  25. Rach (Mommy Learns to Blog) said...

    Hands down my fave Fourth/Holiday Vacay post yet! I so feel you on the PVSD - always get it. Your slide show is phenomenal! Love the music, LOVE the shots - you are one amazing photographer! Glad you had such a great time.

  26. Not Just Any Jen said...

    Wow!! Sounds like wonderful trip! We went to Tahoe around this time in July the summer before getting pregnant with Allison. We had a blast! Did you eat at that Log Cabin breakfast place? It is the best!
    Glad you are back, even though it sounds like you aren't. Funny how vacations do that.

  27. Anonymous said...

    Sounds like a great trip. Amazing pictures too!

  28. Lori said...

    Great pictures! Love, Love your slide show! What beauty to wake up to each day...what beautiful memories for you to make with your family.
    Totally get the PVSD! Glad your back though!

  29. The Buntens said...

    Breathtaking place. One of my top 5 places I want to visit!

    I am suffering from PVSD, too. I want to go back!

    Glad to see you real and live on the blog again!

  30. Wendi said... glad you so cleverly found a name for it.

    Love this post.

    Adore your photos.

    I want to take pictures like you when I grow up.

    Welcome Home!

  31. Marla said...

    welcome back... great photos

  32. flickrlovr said...

    Having just gotten back from vacation myself this week, I can totally relate! It's hard coming back to routine and home and yes, it's often pretty boring ;)
    I'm with ya, sistah!

    Amazing pictures. I'm going to have to go back some posts and see exactly what kind of camera you've got! It's the bomb. Love the pool pics especially. Glad you're back, and glad you had a fun vay-cay!

  33. Storytellin' Mama said...

    Amazing photos! I know the post vacation blues, we have been going through them too!

    Lake Tahoe is such a great place!!

  34. Anonymous said...

    it looks so fun!! ps, could you be any more photogenic?!

  35. Marla said...

    jen, why is it that when I try to do this slide show it is constantly loading?

  36. Kate said...

    Welcome back friend! Love the picts...maybe I should do that with my 600 flippin photos!!! :D

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