Friday, March 14, 2025

My Signature Piece of Jewelry...and a CONTEST!

Kristen @ Kristen's Custom Creations and La Dolce Vita is a friend of mine. We met through the Mom Bloggers Club and I've shopped in her Etsy shop a few times now and found that everything there is just so beautiful.

You've probably seen her ad on my sidebar for the hand-stamped silver jewelry. Her work is so precious that the necklace I bought from her is now my "signature piece." I have the Initial Charm Necklace with the crystal being purple for my amethyst birthstone. I love having a piece of jewelry that was made specifically for me and is simple yet elegant.

Kristen's shop offers an assortment of handcrafted jewelry personalized for each customer. She also includes pieces made especially for online groups such as the MBC, The Home School Lounge, and SITS (The Secret is in the Sauce), items for the hound lover and those with military ties. Her kind heart also donates portions of her proceeds for the "Turn Lemons into Lemonade" charm necklace to help childhood cancer research.

I was so excited when Kristen agreed to give MY READERS a chance to WIN one of her fabulous necklaces!!

One winner will receive the Initial Charm Necklace with your choice of initial and colored crystal. You're going to love it! ALSO, it keeps getting better. If you purchase any item from her shop during the week of my contest, mention my site in the "note to seller" and you'll get a FREE gift with purchase!!

To be entered in the contest, you MUST do these 3 things...

1. Head over to her Etsy shop and look around.

2. Find 2 of your favorite items and tell me about them in my comment section.

3. Visit La Dolce Vita and leave Kristen some love in her comment section.

ONE entry per person, winner will be selected by Make sure your email is enabled in the comment section or leave your email addy with your comment so we can contact the winner!

Contests starts NOW and ends Saturday, August 2, 12:01 AM [had to change it, my day is FULL]. I'm so excited for all of you! Good luck!

For more giveaways, check out Bloggy Giveaways!
Bloggy Giveaways Quarterly Carnival Button

140 supporters in group:

  1. amelia bedelia said...

    Im the first!!! I should automatically be the winner!! But how can I choose just 2 items from her etsy shop....I LOVE EVERYTHING!!

  2. Rhea said...

    I love Kristen's jewelry. I've seen her featured on SITS. I love the initial necklaces and the one about turning lemons into lemonade.

    Fun contest!

  3. McMommy said...

    Ohhhh!! How fun!! Hmm...I love the "Blessed" charm...and the "lemons into lemonade" one. If I won, I might have a "G" put on mine though.


    ha ha ha!!! Thanks for the contest!!!

  4. Michelle said...

    I love so many of her things, it's hard to choose. I think I'd have to go with the "born in my heart" one for my little boy and "lemons into lemonade." Thanks for the contest!

  5. Rach (Mommy Learns to Blog) said...

    Kristen's stuff is fabulous - I checked her out before when I noticed your link. It's hard to pick just 2 items, but I love the Live, Laugh, Love necklace (although if it could fit on that teardrop shape I'd be over the top in love with it)on page 3, and thee Mother, Mommy, Mom, Mama one on page 4 (complete of course with MH's amethyst birthstone).

    Great contest - I am hoping for birthday luck - my birthday is this Wednesday, what a great present that would be!

    Off to send Kristen some love . . .

  6. Andrea@Sgt and Mrs Hub said...

    They are all so lovely!!
    I think my favorite (since I have to choose!) would be the Proud of my Soldier one - because I am a military wife, and the Custom I love you more each day.

    What a beautiful Etsy site! And what a great contest.


  7. Brigit said...

    My two favorites are the I Love You pendant with the stone and the one pictured in your post. I'm all about anything with a birthstone. I love birthstones.

    Her jewelry is beautiful. Very cool handmade stuff.

    Thanks for the contest.

  8. Ranch Girl said...

    I hadn't discovered Etsy until I saw it on your sidebar - very cool stuff. I like "I am blessed" and "Live Love Laugh". I'm also not a contest person, but what the heck?!

  9. Unknown said...

    I really like The "You make my heart melt" Love necklace, and The Believe in Miracles necklace. They are all very beautiful! It took me a while to find my 2 favorites!

  10. Tenakim said...

    Live, Laugh , Love and the grande triple initials- I never win anything- but I guess you have to enter, right?

  11. Anonymous said...

    Wow! Such beautiful things! I love the "you make my heart melt" necklace and all of her keychains ('cause I'm a sucker for a shiny keychain LOL)!

    Oh! And sorry about all of the absenteeism lately! I'll be back to commenting regularly soon, I promise. Miss you!

  12. Brittany said...

    I have loved her stuff for a while now, and I can't wait until the boys are out of their yanking stage, so i can wear necklaces without pause!

    I love the initial necklaces and the lemonade ones!

    Awesome contest!

  13. Heather said...

    I love the simplicity of the single initial with the birthstone and I also love the Dad key chain for my husband...I've been looking for something simple for his key chain forever!

  14. Ali said...

    I love Kristen's jewelry! My favorite is her intitial necklace and the "I love you more" necklace.

  15. Ms. K said...

    What beautiful things! It's so hard to select only 2 that I liked! I love the initial with the crystal, and the 1st one pictured is a K with a green stone, which is my son's initial and his birthstone is peridot...perfect!!! The other one I really liked was the live green pendant.

    Thanks so much for doing this contest!

  16. Rochelle said...

    Hey - thanks for the shopping tip! My husband will love you for it.

    My favorite pieces are the "Hound" key chain and the "Peace" dove. Cool that she is from my part of the world too!

  17. Alice said...

    You needn't enter me in the contest, but her necklace sure is cute! May be getting one for GirlChild.

  18. Unknown said...

    Wow, this is the first I've seen of Kristen's things and they are so pretty! I like the Love necklace with the pearl and also the initial necklace. Though I'd probably pick "E" instead of "C" 'cause E is my favorite letter. Great contest!

  19. Jo-Jo said...

    Oh my! This is exciting! I never win anything so I am soooo praying I will win this! The only other jewlery I wear is a necklace and Cayden just broke mine! My fave one is the Sterling Silver Signature Two Disc Mommy Necklace with Birthstone Crystals. I have two lovely boys and would want to wear that around my neck all the time!

    My other fave is the Love,Faith,Hope necklace that is in the Artisan Collection. There have been so many people in my life effected by cancer and exp breast cancer that this really means something to me. And if I can ever save up enough money I am going to get them both!

  20. The Mrs. said...

    I love her work! I'll have to leave the browser up when hubby is home so he can stumble upon it.

    I really love the proud military wife charm, its simple and beautiful. And the patience charm. I'm trying to remember that as my boys get more... active shall we say. It would be great as a bracelet.

    I'm going to bookmark her site for christmas. Great idea for a contest!

  21. amanda said...

    love her stuff & your signature piece!!

  22. Carissa(GoodnCrazy) said...

    I already know! I LOVE the imagine necklace. But if I were going to be pregnant again...(and I'm not)...I love the mom2be necklace.

  23. TUTU Monkey said...

    So many lovely things in Kristen's store I don't know where to two favorites are

    "I am blessed"

    and "happy"...thanks for having such a fun contest.......

  24. Merrie said...

    Sweet contest, Jen! I think I'll be doing some shopping, regardless. For me, the initial charm and the believe necklace are faves. If I don't win, I know where to go and shop. :)

  25. Elizabeth Byler Younts said...

    way too hard to pick only 2... ;-)

    i'd love to have my daughter's first initial & the heart next to it. Or her name on a round pendant. Or my wedding date with my husband's initials or something. Or a pendant that says "o captian my captian" husband is a captian in the air force. :-)

    WOW...what a great prize!

  26. Tara R. said...

    What a cool idea... the <3 Mom Bloggers pendent and the initial charm are my fav picks. Thanks for hosting this contest.

  27. Anonymous said...

    I like the personalized silver initial charm and the grande single initial necklaces the best. If I win, I'd give it to my daughter for her birthday next month. :)

  28. Deb said...

    I love the first item, the initial charm necklace. The Swarovski crystal really adds a nice touch to it.

    Keeping with the whole initial thing, I also love the Grande Single Initial necklace. Simple, elegant, and unique.

    I would love to win, but then again, who wouldn't?

    Thanks for running this contest!

  29. Pandora Wilde said...

    The first item that stands out for me is the "Protect" with the pearl and the angel wing. I'm preparing to be somewhat single without the protection I had before so this piece really spoke to me by reminding me of what I will need to do for myself.

    The other item I really love is the Grade Triple Initial. I've never owned anything monogrammed because most monogrammed things just aren't my style but I like how she does this piece--clean lines, minimal frou-frou and with two blue stones it would say "this is me" in just the right way to suit me.

    You're absolutely right--she does do gorgeous work, so I'm going to have to figure out a way to watch her Etsy store.

    Heading for her blog now--thanks for running this contest.

  30. Anonymous said...

    I like the Lucky...because I am...and the Live Green...because I try.

  31. Kat said...

    This lassie really loves the 'lucky' charm and the 'his mom' charms. I too have admired her work from the MBC. Thanks for such a cool chance!

  32. Jennifer said...

    I love the Blessed necklace and the Two Disc Mommy Necklace. I LOVE her jewelry!!!! Thanks for the awesome contest.
    jen1337 (at) gmail (dot) com

  33. emcdonald said...

    Custom I Love You More Each Day Hand Stamped Sterling Silver Necklace and Personalized Hand Stamped Sterling Silver Initial Charm Necklace are my favorite.

  34. Aubrey said...

    Great contest!
    This was my first time visiting Etsy. Oh no!!! Her necklaces are amazing.

    My faves are the Love You More Each Day and the Grande Triple Initial. My fingers are crossed!

  35. Straight to Your Hart said...

    It is always so fun to enter a contest that has something handmade and cute to boot!! Looking at Etsy...I liked them all but do like the mother,mom, etc..with the clear bead and the live love laugh on the last page...Thanks for the contest!

  36. Jennifer said...

    Hello Jen,

    I love the Ste4rling Silver Hsnd Stamped Tears of Joy Necklace and the Sterling Silver Hand Stamped Believe Necklace! I love everything Kristen has!!!


  37. Kate said...

    LOOOVE her stuff...her work is beautiful and I'm a sucker for jewelry, I'm just sayin. Ok, so I really like the Believe pendant and the life is a gift pendant. OOOOOOh, I like it all!!! Thanks girlfriend, awesome giveaway!!!

  38. Anonymous said...

    She has such amazing jewlery and I always check her blog out to see what new stuff she has.

    I like the "I am blessed" charm necklace and the "proud mom" initaial necklace.

  39. Ann Harrison said...

    Isn't her work wonderful!

    I've had my eye on the Patience one for quite some time. (Perfect message for me and PERFECT message for my little darlings...grrr...)

    The Inspire one is so good too.

    How cool that you're doing this giveaway!

  40. jaime said...

    narrow down to only TWO?! ok ok.... i would absolutely LOVE to get the necklace w/ two charms, one that says "proud mommy" and the other my son, "Gavin" on it w/ our birthstone colors attached. the other one i'd pick would have to be a simple "love" one w/ the lil key attached. all the jewelry is very much my style and would wear her work proudly. cool contest jen!

  41. jen aka mommay said...

    Love the necklaces! I'll definitely buy one should I not win this contest, lol. I love the "well loved mama" one and would love the "follow your dreams" one for my daughter.


  42. Tena said...

    tough to just choose one, but I think I will have to go with the 'Lucky" one, with the four leaf clover!
    How fun!!

  43. Wendi said...

    OMGoodness... only two?
    I love your signature piece and the grande initial piece.
    Love them all.
    Thanks for a chance to win!

  44. Amy Amy Bo Bamey said...

    Okay, I have been eyeing her stuff for some time now. I love the look of her designs.

    My 2 favorite are
    Live, Love, Laugh (To Die For)
    I Love You More (So Sweet)

    I absolutely just love the look of the hand stamping, so unique!

    Those are vibes to the Random Generator to PICK ME :)

  45. Shannon said...

    My favorites are the initial charm necklace and the 2 disc mommy necklace with birthstones. If I don't win your contest, I think I will direct hubby to Kristen's store with a "hint" for my birthday present!

  46. Pam said...

    my favorites are the ones that you can have kids' names & stones and the dog tag necklace. they're all cute!

  47. Amy said...

    I love everything, but my 2 faves are the Personalized Hand Stamp Initial Charm and the Tears of Joy Necklace. So cute!!

  48. Tonya Staab said...

    I just adore the Grande Triple Initial and the I love you more hand stamped necklaces. Gorgeous.

  49. Anonymous said...

    I LOVE the initial necklace and the Lemons to Lemonade. I also love the custom creation option and desperately want a necklace that says "Holly's Mom" How cute! And a fantastic contest idea. Good Luck everyone! :)

  50. scargosun said...

    I already love YOU and Kristen but I would REALLY love to win either a "Live Ur Life" or "Dream" necklace because I need to remind my self that life is too short to not follow your dreams and live them out. :)

  51. Deb said...

    What beautiful charms! I love the Grande Triple Initial Sterling Silver Necklace, and the Hand Stamped I Love you More Necklace! And everything else on her site. :)

  52. Michelle W said...

    I have to enter because, well, my GAWD, I love her stuff so much...
    I love the custom initial like you have, but also I love the Hand Stamped Sterling I am Blessed Necklace and the Live Ur Life also. Pick me. Pick me.

    Oh, hey, come over to MC today and post your own confession!!

  53. Jenni said...

    I am loving the triple intial necklace and the one with the one that has 2 charms for kids names! Beautiful things!

  54. Anonymous said...

    I will have one of her necklaces, even if I have to buy it with the proceeds from my first freelance article sold! I love the mama necklace and the happy one. Awesome giveaway, Jen!

  55. Barb Smith said...

    What beautiful pieces of jewelry you've led me to! I'm in awe and am feeling that I NEED one! *wink*

    My favorites would have to be Peace Dove (since I sign everything with Peace) and the Loved necklace with the red 43, I finally know what it's like to be loved, so it fits!

    Thanks for a great contest and chance to win such an awesome piece of jewelry. I'm headed to Kristen's blog to tell her just how wonderful I think her designs are, too.

  56. Ginny said...

    I love the necklace with the 2 circles, I'd do my daughters names.

    I also love the initial necklace with the clear bead, very pretty.

  57. Claremont First Ward said...

    I love the "believe" and "I am blessed necklaces". What a great giveaway!

  58. Jaime said...

    I love the initial/birthstone necklace you're giving away. I would put both my girls' initial (A) and their birthstone (both October) instead of mine.

    I also like the necklace with the 2 names.

  59. N said...

    I like the single initial one and the "happy" one.

  60. amanda said...

    I like the I Am Blessed necklace and the Mommy Two Disc necklace!!

    Thanks so much!

    amandagdonovan at gmail dot com

  61. Tami said...

    I love all her stuff! Its sooo hard to pick only two but I do like the one in your post and the mommy brag necklace :)

  62. Taylor said...

    her etsy shoppe rocks! i adore the Personalized Hand Stamped Sterling Silver Initial Charm Necklace, and the Hand Stamped Sterling Charm Necklace - I am Blessed.

    I already added the shoppe to my favorite sellers, i really really really do hope i am chosen.

    PLEASE count me in. I have left her a comment too. :D

    thanks again,

  63. Anonymous said...

    I like the Hand Stamped Sterling Big Sis Necklace and the Custom Personalized Hand Stamped Sterling Mommy Brag Necklace. I also love the music on your blog! Thanks for a great giveaway!

  64. Melissa M (Lagaz) said...

    Gret giveaway that you are having! I really like your "Inspire" and "Imagine" stamped necklaces. Being in the education system and an artist these really resonate with me.

  65. Angela said...

    Kristen's stuff is awesome! I love the initial necklace with the crystal and the grande single initial. May daughter would love any of this stuff!

  66. Sam said...

    I love that saying "turn lemons into lemonade" and I also like the faith, hope, love one with the cross on it.

    What a great giveaway - thanks!

  67. Anonymous said...

    I love the Love, Faith , Hope Charm and the Shine charm. I tried leaving Kristen a comment and it wouldn't post.

    sylviaderryberry at att dot net

  68. Kristin said...

    LOVE them!

  69. Joy said...

    I love the LUCKY one with the shamrock! And I love the "I Do" necklace!!!

  70. torinem said...

    "You make my heart melt" necklace and the "Live, Love, Laugh" necklace are my faves, but all her stuff is wonderful!

  71. Unknown said...

    I have 3 favorites...Turn Lemons Into Lemonade necklace, Lucky necklace and I Love You More. She does such nice work.

    hafner611 {AT} gmail {DOT} com

  72. maria said...

    I love the Tears of Joy necklace and the Proud Mama bracelet. Thanks for the giveaway!

  73. Suzanne...Scully... said...

    Oh wow I love your friends page, I love the Honey one with the Bee charm cause I have a crazy X-files obsession with bees (I also have 3 tattooed on me), and I love the Fierce one because they made fun of the little designer who says that on SNL and Xander runs around saying "Fierce" all the time!! So funny! I would love to win!!

  74. Becca said...

    I love the 'live, love, learn' necklace. My second favorite is probably the hand-stamped heart earrings. I just love the creativity! Beautiful workmanship!

  75. Leigh of Tales from Bloggeritaville said...

    I love the "Blessed" charm...and the "lemons into lemonade" one.

  76. EG said...

    Man, you are making us work. I like the initial charm necklace and the hound lover keychain best.

  77. Marla said...

    i saw her stuff somewhere else... where I have no idea...
    i did on the happy and the 3 initials... i'm feeling lucky!

  78. Melanie @ Whimsical Creations said...

    I love the believe necklace and the custom I love you more each day. I also sent her some love. Fantastic shop!
    =) melanie
    melanieadey at hotmail dot com

  79. Kristen M. said...

    I like the Tears of Joy necklace and the single initial design.

  80. Erin said...

    I love this blessed one

    and the Dad keyring

    Very cool jewellry

  81. apple said...

    I love Hand Stamped Sterling Mother, Mommy, Mom, Mama sterling silver necklace and Hand Stamped Sterling Silver Mothers Love necklace!

  82. PastormacsAnn said...

    I like the Blessed necklace and the one with the heart and cute little key. Hope I win.


  83. Anonymous said...

    I love the Blessed and the Believe necklaces.

  84. Stephanie said...

    Wow great jewelry! I pick the Love necklace and also the Believe one!!

  85. HilLesha O'Nan said...

    Very nice! I like these:

  86. Fedora said...

    These are beautiful, so it's hard to choose--I like the Sterling Silver Hand Stamped Believe Necklace, and the Grande Triple Initial Sterling Silver Necklace! Thanks for letting us know about her pieces!

    f dot chen at comcast dot net

  87. Anna Taylor said...

    I love the Key to my heart necklace and the Believe in Miracles necklace! All her stuff is SO cool!

  88. Anonymous said...

    your stuff is so cute! i've been wanting to learn how to handstamp jewelry!! (but why should i when there are etsy shops like yours!) :)
    my favorites are the love, faith, and hope necklace, and the love necklace with the little pearl!

  89. Amber said...

    I love the Sterling Silver Lucky Necklace and the Mommy Brag Necklace.

    I'm heading over to La Dolce Vita now to spread the love!

    Thanks for the giveaway!

  90. Betsy said...

    I like the necklaces with "love" and "I Am Blessed".

  91. CrystalGB said...

    I like the Live, Love, Laugh necklace and the Lucky necklace.

  92. Anonymous said...

    Well, I love the just plain initial and I love the Love, faith, hope ones (there are 2 versions)

  93. Unknown said...

    The I am blessed necklace, and the I love you more one.

  94. Angie(quillysilly) said...

    I liked the I LOVE you on page 4 and my fav. was the Mom, Mommy, Mama once `cause that's what it sounds like around my house!


  95. mom3crazygirls said...

    My favorite is 'well loved momma' and then the three intial charms together since I have 3 little ones! All of Kristen's creations are fabulous!!!

  96. Birdie said...

    I'm in Love!! These are awesome! What a cool friend to donate one for a giveaway. I'll be back fro more of her jewelry too. My faves were,
    Well loved Mama & I love you more each day.

  97. Meg said...

    The "Blessed" and "Single Grande Initials" are my favorite. I am really loving the stamped look right now-thanks!

  98. I Am Boymom said...

    I love the Initial necklace, and the 2 disc with birstone charms, for my two boys! Her stuff is awesome! Thanks for the giveaway!

  99. kristine said...

    i love Sterling Silver Signature Two Disc Mommy Necklace with Birthstone Crystals and
    the initial charm

  100. Maureen said...

    I liked the Never Say Never Hand Stamped Sterling Silver Necklace and the Hand Stamped Sterling Silver Protect Necklace with Angel Wing. Thanks for the giveaway!
    I left a comment on the La Dolce Vita blog as well.
    Thanks for the giveaway!

  101. Katrina said...

    I love the I am blessed and the Silver lucky necklace. =) All very cute stuff!

  102. Tarasview said...

    I love the "never say never" hand stamped necklace and the Hand Stamped Sterling I am Blessed Necklace. Beautiful!

  103. Unknown said...

    This is a great contest Jen. I love the I am blessed piece and I also like the shine piece.

  104. Elizabeth Channel said...

    I love her new "fierce" and I also love "hope." Great giveaway!

  105. Kathie B. said...

    i heart everything. seriously, i love the hand stamped jewelry. the disks with my kids names, that's a treat. Thanks for the chance to win. Visit mine at

  106. Kristin & Jeff said...

    I love the proud army wife one. B/c I am a pround Army wife. Also her neclace with Kristen on it - except it should be Kristin with an I. hehe :)

    theharmons02 [at]

  107. Superdumb Supervillain said...

    your day in the spotlight and i love you more are my faves!

  108. pierce said...

    Making jewelry is so cool. That is great that you do it. I like the 'love' one the most!

  109. Kimberly said...

    It's hard to pick just two. I love them all.

    I love the heart and key one (I'd have my hubby's name or our initials on it) and the Mommy necklace with the two names and their birth stones.

    I also left a comment for her on her blog. She has such great talent!

  110. Charlotte said...

    I love the Initial Charm Necklace and the Believe Necklace with the pearl. Very pretty!


  111. Ashley said...

    She's got an awesome shop! I love the "Shine: Your day in the Spotlight" necklace and the "loved" necklace. They are so pretty!

  112. Unknown said...

    I like the "patience" and "love" stamped pendants - because goodness knows I need more of both! :) Thanks so much!


  113. Kyra said...

    I like both the "Mom 2 Be" and "Lucky" necklaces, but my favorite is this one! Hope her Will feels better soon!

  114. Anonymous said...

    I love the "Hand Stamped Patience Necklace" and "Hand Stamped Sterling Key to my Heart Necklace"

    unforgetable_dreamer_always (at)

  115. Anonymous said...

    Love the Your in the spotlight-love the star and pearl. And I also love the Love necklace with the pearl.

  116. Anonymous said...

    My 2 favorites are:

    Hand Stamped Sterling Silver Lucky Necklace

    Sterling Silver Hand Stamped Honey Baby necklace


  117. Blessings Abound said...

    I like the I am blessed necklace and loved necklace! Thanks!

  118. Meredith said...

    I like the Hand Stamped Love necklace and the Live Love Laugh Necklace. The Don't Rain on My Dream necklace and the I Do nekclace are way cute too.

    ~Meredith F.
    rosesaremyfavorite (at) hotmail (dot) com

  119. Mindi said...

    I love the "Personalized Hand Stamped Sterling Silver Initial Charm Necklace" and the mother's love necklace. What a great giveaway!!

  120. Lesley said...

    I love the Custom "I Love You More Each Day" Hand Stamped Sterling Silver Necklace, and the stamped one that says "Patience" (with small children around; sometimes I need to remember that!!!)

  121. Anonymous said...

    I love the the different names for mom. i think its cute. and the big sis ones. and the mommy brag necklace.!
    these are soo neat!

  122. Sarah Z said...

    I love the "fierce" necklace and the "live UR life" necklace!

    Thank you!

  123. ladybuggg said...

    omg her stuff is ADORABLE.. ok.. it was hard but to choose just two... i love the "lucky" necklace with the clover leaf and horseshoe. totally cute! and of course, the "i do" necklace! i want one (if bf ever proposes...) :)

    thank you so much for this great giveaway!

  124. Mamacita said...

    Oh, I like the one that says "love" and the one that says "born into my heart". Thanks!

  125. The Chatty Housewife said...

    My two favorites are the "I am blessed" and "life is a gift" she has such beautiful sayings on her jewelry and it is just so simple and sweet looking.

  126. julie said...

    born in my heart and fierce
    are my faves..heading over to other blog to comment
    3beez at bellsouth dot net

  127. Anonymous said...

    Those are beautiful! I like the "well loved mama" and "I am blessed" ones the best.

  128. Unknown said...

    I liked the Never Say Never and I Love You More Each Day charms

  129. alex said...

    That necklace is uber cute. I really liked the "blessed" necklace and the "key to my heart" necklace alot.
    alexandra dot hancock at gmail dot com

  130. Anonymous said...

    Thank you for introducing me to this amazing jewelry collection.

    My favorites are "I love you more each day" and Grande Single Initials.

    I checked out and commented her blog.

    Thank you for hosting this giveaway.

    tiffanyannrosson at yahoo dot com

  131. Uniquely Yours said...

    I love her Blessed and personalize birthstone charm. I would love to win. Thanks! Make sure you stop by my site for a chance to win a Princess Bracelet made by yours truely by 5 today.

    Shay T.

  132. rlgrady said...

    I like the lucky necklace and the I am blessed necklace. I also like the music on your site!

    Heading to the other site to spread my love.....

    rlgrady [at] yahoo dot com

  133. Ilissa said...

    My two favorite items are Follow your Dreams Hand Stamped Sterling Silver Necklace & NEW Live,Love,Laugh Hand Stamped Sterling Silver Necklace. Really I had so many favorites I kept changing my mind. I added you as a favorite on Etsy though. I really love your stuff. Thank you for the chance!

  134. Peggy said...

    Everything is so beautiful ,one of my favorites is Hand Stamped Sterling Key to my Heart Necklace,love it!!
    Count me in to win

  135. SarahHub said...

    This jewelry is great!

    I love the Silver Mother's Love necklace and the I Am Blessed necklace.

    Thanks for the opportunity to enter!

  136. Editor Cassandra said...

    This is AMAZING! YOU'RE amazing!

    irrelevanthear (at) gmail (dot) com !! Thank you!

  137. Positively Peaches said...

    I love the hand stamp love and the believe necklace. I love the pearl with each. the giveaway is also so nice. My daughter and I both share the same initial and birthstone so this would be great to pass on to her when she is older. Thanks.

  138. Anonymous said...

    I think the hand stamped love necklace and the hand stamped believe necklaces are my two favorites. I love the dainty little pearls on there. Thank you for the giveaway.

  139. Anonymous said...

    They are all beautiful, but I like the Lucky with the clover and the simple initials with stone.

  140. Denise said...

    I like the "I am blessed" and the "Born in my heart". I have kids by marriage, birth, & and adoption. So those two describe me pretty well! Thanks!

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